Installing Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS
Please note: This instruction was created for my personal use. Feel free to follow it, but I am not responsible for any problems or data loss!
Download the Ubuntun 12.04 Server LTS install CD from: Check the MD5 sum by running md5sum on ubuntu-12.04.4-server-amd64.iso and compare the result to the MD5 sums at:
Boot from the install CD.
Select to boot in English and select Install Ubuntu Server.
- Use English to use during the installation
- Select Country: other; Europe; Netherlands
- Select Country Locale Settings: United States (en_US.UTF-8)
- Detect keyboard layout: No
- Country for the keyboard: English (US)
- Keyboard layout: English (US)
- Select the correct network interface to use for Internet access
- Enter the desired hostname
- Enter the full name for the user to be created
- Enter the new user username
- Enter the password for the new user (twice)
- Choose whether to encrypt the home directory
- A timezone has been select, based on your location. Check whether it is set correctly
- Select Manaul Partitioning
- You may be asked to create a new partition table on the disk, select: Yes
- Create a primary partition for the OS (/), using ext4 and enable the "noatime" option (under mount options), set the Bootable flag to On
- Create a primate partition for swap space (create a swap partition as large as the amount of memory you have)
- Write changes to disk: Yes
- Enter your proxy information to configure the Package Manager (when needed, otherwise, leave empty)
- Select: No automatic updates
- At the Software selection screen, select: OpenSSH server
- Wait for the installation to finish
- Install the GRUB bootloader to the master boot record: Yes
- Reboot the machine and remove the install CD
- Log in to the system using the user you created and become root using: sudo su -
- Set a password for the root user, using: passwd root. You should now be able to log in as root
- Check the network settings in /etc/network/interfaces. Activate any new interfaces by running: ifup
- Make sure root cannot log in via ssh by changing /etc/ssh/sshd_config:
PermitRootLogin without-password
- This will disable logging in as root, via ssh, but it is still possible to log in as root using SSH public key authentication.
- Uncomment the following line in /etc/default/grub:
- Update the GRUB configuration file by running:
- Edit /etc/rc.local and add the following line:
/usr/bin/setterm -blank 0
This will prevent the screen from going black, which may be helpful in case of a kernel problem.
- Add the following line to the end of /etc/profile:
export EDITOR=/usr/bin/vim
- uncomment the following line in /etc/vim/vimrc:
set background=dark
- Disable console-setup by running:
update-rc.d -f console-setup remove
- Change the following lines in /etc/default/console-setup:
- Update the system by running:
apt-get update && apt-get -u dist-upgrade
- Install a number of extra packages:
apt-get install iotop sysstat ntp iptraf apt-file
- Fetch the packages index for apt-file, by running:
apt-file update
- Remove the following installed packages:
dpkg --purge bash-completion command-not-found command-not-found-data
- Reboot the system to activate all changes
Ivo van Geel - 12 Feb 2014