Once the Pi is booted, open a terminal and execute the following commands:
sudo systemctl enable ssh
sudo systemctl start ssh
From now on, you should be able to log in using SSH. Username: pi, password: raspberry. The IP address should be shown while booting. Please note I am using wired ethernet.
Chaning the password for user pi is highly recommended! This can be done using raspi-config
Select the default locale you want to use, I use en_US.UTF-8
4 Localisation Options -> I2 Change Timezone
4 Localisation Options -> I3 Change Keyboard Layout. I use Generic 104-key PC, English (US), English (US), The default for the keyboard layout, No compose key
5 Interfacing Options -> P6 Serial -> Would you like a login shell to be accessible over serial?: No, Would you like the serial port hardware to be enabled?: No
7 Advanced Options -> A1 Expand Filesystem (This should have been done at first boot)
7 Advanced Options -> A3 Memory Split -> How much memory (MB) should the GPU have? 256
Edit /boot/config and change (or add) the following lines:
hdmi_mode=4 (720p, 60Hz)
reboot the Pi
Install and configure Chromium
Download and install a version of chromium with Widevine decryption support: