Spice XPI Plugin
Here you can download the Spice XPI plugin for Linux, version 2.7.0, available in both in a 32bits and a 64bits version.
It was built on a Gentoo system, using the patches provided by Redhat, using the Gecko SDK version 13.0.1.
The source code was downloaded from:
To use the plugin, you will need to have virt-viewer installed, with SPICE support enabled. You will also need to install the following script:
logger -t spice "starting remote-viewer --spice-controller $@..."
env | logger -t spice
exec remote-viewer --spice-controller "$@" 2>&1 | logger -t spice
logger -t spice "remote-viewer execution failed"
Make the script executable by running: chmod +x /usr/libexec/spice-xpi-client-remote-viewer, then create a link from /usr/libexec/spice-xpi-client:
ln -s spice-xpi-client-remote-viewer /usr/libexec/spice-xpi-client
Ivo van Geel - 19 Jul 2012